Last night was the the first time that a tornado has come within five miles of my house. It was a really intense couple of hours as tornadoes were just popping up everywhere and landing with unpredictability. One passed by the OU campus blowing out windows and causing a lot of damage and it passed over a really busy street during rush hour and luckily no one was seriously hurt. Here is a video of it crossing that street. This is the one that was just miles from the house and we could see it in the horizon from the front porch. What was so strange is that this particular tornado formed in a matter of minutes, barely giving storm spotters any warning to activate the sirens.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Perils of Living in Oklahoma
Last night was the the first time that a tornado has come within five miles of my house. It was a really intense couple of hours as tornadoes were just popping up everywhere and landing with unpredictability. One passed by the OU campus blowing out windows and causing a lot of damage and it passed over a really busy street during rush hour and luckily no one was seriously hurt. Here is a video of it crossing that street. This is the one that was just miles from the house and we could see it in the horizon from the front porch. What was so strange is that this particular tornado formed in a matter of minutes, barely giving storm spotters any warning to activate the sirens.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Medicine Recalls
Friday Rant
Friday, April 30, 2010
What is up with Security in China's Schools?
Summer School.. BOOOO!!
Friday, April 23, 2010
"Say Hello to my Little Friend"
I Am Victorious!!!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
5 Is the Magic Number
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Mans Wins Lawsuit for Flipping Off the Cops
Friday, April 9, 2010
Separate Bathrooms for Boys and Girls = Discrimination
I read this story on foxnews that in Maine, a human rights commission says that forcing a boy or a girl into separate rooms such as bathrooms or locker rooms amounts to discrimination in schools. Evidentially, a trans-gendered boy was denied access to the girls bathroom and after complaining to the Maine Human Rights Commission, they concluded that it violated the Maine Human Rights Act. I personally think that this is a crock of horse manure and there needs to be separate facilities for the different sexes. In my area where my office is located, we have a unisex bathroom and I can honestly tell you that nothing is more embarrassing to have a nursing student walk in after my lunch from Chilino's, a local Mexican restaurant that serves up some of the best fish tacos, and it moves thru the stomach and out for processing. Separate bathrooms are indeed needed and all it took was one incident the other way, and now I just walk down the hall to the boys only restroom in order to save face.
I think that this could lead to some issues with pedophiles and others that are sick. As the article says, if the authors’ daughter walks into a bathroom and there is a man in there, they instinctively feel like something is wrong. Not only that, it could potentially lead to more sexual assaults, more instances of sexual inappropriateness, and increases in rapes in schools. I don't think the ramifications were thought out before the commission came to this conclusion. There needs to be a very defined line between what privacies are afforded to use the facilities. How creepy would it be if you are done playing girls volleyball and you go to the locker room only to find male basketball players gawking? Seriously, what are they thinking?
The other issue that I can see is if this is considered discrimination, what happens when the school needs to know your sexual orientation? Schools are prohibited from asking you, so how would they know if you are transgendered without asking? Is there a specific stereotype or profile that they fit? As Karen Kemble, the Director of Equal Opportunity from the University of Maine says, “The inability to ask proof of sexual orientation leaves the institution any way to determine the bona fide nature of the gender identity or nature.” Nature??? Aren’t we all born either boys or girls determined by nature? I know, it’s not the same thing, but I figured a wise crack would be funny.
So that leads me to my last point, all this is happening in Maine. The coldest, wettest, and northernmost state of the continental US. Have you ever met anyone from Maine? I have and I think they are a little off. I personally think that they spend too much time in their homes during the winter because of all the snow they get. The lack of sunshine can’t be good either. Good luck to them.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Goodbye MSSU
Friday, April 2, 2010
Friday Deadline Post
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
What happened to the choice to choose?? For w/e 4/2/10
Friday, March 19, 2010
Winter Weather/ Dirt Track Riding

Well here I am, waiting until the last minute for write a second blog this week. But for a change, I did it on purpose. I was going to come up to Joplin this weekend to visit family and friends, but ever since Monday, the weathermen have been mumbling something about a blizzard here in OKC and Tulsa this weekend. Right now, as I write this, it is raining, lightning flashing in the distance and the occasional rumble of thunder inciting the repetitive, "What was that noise?" from my three year old. It was 72 degrees this afternoon and now tomorrow, 6 to 14 inches of snow with 45 mile per hour winds will cause blizzard like conditions similar to Christmas Eve. WTF? Really. In March? So, I decided to leave work early today since there were absolutely no faculty or staff around at work to just play with my kids on a death vehicle as my wife calls it. More on that later. It could be a good decision at this point to not go to Joplin this weekend because as of the latest weather report, Joplin is now expected to get 12-22 inches of snow. Hopefully class is cancelled next week at MSSU...Oh wait, its spring break and I am also an online student so we don't get snow days like the others. BUZZKILL!! Now to the death vehicle.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
The Weekly Rant or Thank You
The Outsourcing of Breastfeeding
Friday, March 5, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Weekly Laughter-Robot Spiders Take 1
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Killer Whales and Humans are a Bad Mix
Friday, February 19, 2010
Tiger, Tiger Woods
Friday, February 12, 2010
Weekly Digression
Global Warming. Where are You?
Friday, February 5, 2010
Weekly Rant

I must admit, I hate snow and ice. This winter has been absolutely horrible when it comes to snow and ice. I hate being indoors with no opportunity to be doing something outside, or the idea that I am indoors, isolated from doing something outside. I remember in Joplin a few years back we had three big snow storms right after another and each one dropped greater than ten inches of snow. I remember this because the turnpike was shut down and the hotel was booked solid. Good revenue stream, but guess what? No housekeepers or staff and I was the only one with a four wheel drive vehicle so I had to go and pick people up. I move 250 miles away to Norman, Oklahoma and the crappy weather hunts me down. But I thought that I had old man winter beat...Wreck havoc on me, they cancel school and since I work for OU now, I don't have to go to work. When this occurs, it kills me. I hate it. I become a sloth and just sleep in, eating junk food, staying up late, with NOTHING to do. Except for cleaning off my all wheel drive Chevy Equinox and mocking those who drive regular cars, stuck on the side of the road, or those that slid down a ditch. People in Oklahoma don't seem to be smart when the snow and ice come and the weatherman recommends staying off the roads, but I especially enjoy stopping and telling people that if they are stuck on the ice, they can let all the air out their tires and it will increase the square feet and get them more traction. But for those who don't know me, I am sarcastic and if i offer up any suggestions, and to be honest, dismiss them.