Friday, April 30, 2010

Summer School.. BOOOO!!

I usually look forward to the three months of no homework, no writing and more sleep during the summer. I came to realize on Monday that the increase in tuition for out-of-state distance students at MSSU doesn't apply to summer school as it goes into effect during the Fall 2010 semester. So now, in an effort to save $1600, I have enrolled in 9 hours, all to be compressed into 2 months. Luckily, one of my fellow English 102 classmates is taking one of the same classes with me, and not to mention that she is fun to exchange emails with, so hopefully, accounting 202 won't be so boring.

Really the only other positive of this summer is that the students here at work will dwindle down, providing me with unlimited choices on where to park in the mornings and the line for lunch will be quick. It is really annoying to be standing in line at the union only to overhear, "So and so is going to so and so's party but I am not going because so and so will be there and she is a b#$%^". If only they knew that so and so probably doesn't give a rats a$$ about whether or not they are there and once they graduate, you will never see them again. I mean seriously, do people still care what others think? Wait until you are married, have kids and responsibility in your life. You won't care. Trust me.

And one last rant, the OKC Thunder NBA team cannot hang with the Los Angeles Lakers. It is simply for ratings that the Lakers have lost a few games here, and probably David Stern's idea to try and drum up interest in the NBA since the ratings has declined over the years. I really do wish that the Thunder could beat the Lakers and go to the second round but lets face it, there's a better chance of me eating JUST a salad for dinner than the Thunder winning tonight and beating the Lakers in LA on Sunday. It will not happen. I am so sick and tired of people driving around with thunder flags on their cars or dressed in Thunder gear at the mall. It is so stupid. I know that you are a bandwagon fan and once the NBA season is over, here comes the OU or OSU gear depending on who is doing better. I will admit that OKC has quickly become a hotspot for sports with OU's Blake Griffin going first in the NBA draft last year, Sam Bradford going first in the NFL draft this year, and the Paris sisters going to the WNBA. We have the Texas Rangers minor league baseball team, we have a one level down from the main NHL ranking hockey team and then we also have the Yard Dawgs, an arena league football team. There are plenty of choices if you are a sports fan as we have everything covered. But me personally, I don't give a rats a$$. I am too busy with work and school.

1 comment:

  1. Believe it or not, even people in their mid 40s care about what other people think! Take my board for example. There are two people there are always hurt because so and so did not include them in something or when they first got to Zomba no one had them over. Or some other thing a 5 year old would be upset over. I usually come home exhausted and bewildered that people that age can act that way!
